Wondering Why You Haven’t Heard From Me in a While?

We’re in the thick of holiday season, which means I’m in the thick of holiday baking and cooking! There is plenty I have to share with you but right now, down to business…

If you live in the Columbus area, come on down to the Holiday Pop-Up Shop tomorrow from noon to 10pm! Great artisans will be there and me! Pay my table a visit… Biscotti, Chocolate Covered Caramel Popcorn, Kitchen Sink Cookies, Brownie Peppermint Patties, Granola, Must I go on?

Splash of Sherri … Bakes!


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2 thoughts on “Wondering Why You Haven’t Heard From Me in a While?

  1. Joan Glickstein:

    Your popcorn is the greatest!

    1. Sherri:

      Thanks! That’s one recipe I came up with that I keep a secret! For now, anyway!

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