Today is my Sister’s Birthday!!!!!!!!!!

This is MY SISTER and today is her birthday! My family is crazy about birthdays! Well maybe not the whole family – just my sisters and I! The photo was taken April 2014 in front of our old house where it all began… 38 east 89th street, Brooklyn, New York! Even though it was so many years ago, it doesn’t feel like that long ago. We were so happy taking pictures, reminiscing about my mother’s rose garden (which no longer exists), and trying to remember which neighbor lived in which house.

While we were busy showing our children the house and taking pictures, a man called to us from the upstairs window and asked what we were doing. At first we were a little nervous – after all, here we were in front of his house taking pictures. As it turned out, the people that own the house were so nice they invited us inside. We were thrilled! Of course our children being taught by us never to go into a stranger’s house had a different take on this – but that’s another story! The inside looked much smaller then we remember, but I think everyone says that about their childhood home. It was such a fun day that brought back a lot of great memories.

frannie and me in rose garden ps'
Here we are in the rose garden all those years ago. Nothing better than having a sister!

After riding around the old neighborhood for a while, we all got hungry so we stopped for pizza – what else? Click on the link to read about our pizza adventure here

I think my sister and I love pizza more than most people. Let’s be honest, what’s not to love? And, as it turns out, this week is National Pizza Week! So in honor of her birthday, and to kick off National Pizza Week, I picked up a couple of pies for dinner! Here is a photo of the Mediterranean vegetable pie I picked up from Borgata Pizza Cafe – it was so good! They were voted one of the top 25 pies in Columbus and once you try it, you’ll know why!

Follow me this week as I share photos, stories and recipes all about pizza – enjoy!



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1 thought on “Today is my Sister’s Birthday!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Cousin Barbara from NJ:

    Happy Birthday Francine! And again, such a wonderful blog!

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