triple chocolate hamantashen

My triple chocolate hamantashen are all dressed up and ready for Purim! They are one of my most requested recipes and with good reason. It’s chocolate – on chocolate – on chocolate!!!!!!!!!! The chocolate dough is rolled out and filled with a rich chocolate ganache and then as if there’s not enough chocolate, I give them a drizzle of white chocolate which puts them over the top!

Usually when I decorate them I scatter mini chocolate chips and colorful sprinkles over the white chocolate. This year I tried something outrageous and topped a few of them with a piece of a rainbow cookie and then I drizzled them with white chocolate. They turned out AMAZING and are definitely ready for the Purim party!

They are so rich and chocolatey, super easy, and I like that it makes a small batch of 2 dozen – however, they are so good, I always end up doubling it! I have adapted the recipe from one I found on My Jewish Learning’s website and it was created by Victoria Sutton. For more Purim info go to The ganache recipe is my tired and true from Ina Garten. – that’s quick, easy, and never fails.

I think I’ve kvelled (gushed over) these hamantashen enough. Now it’s time to get right to the recipe and start baking! I hope you love them as much as I do. Happy Purim & Enjoy!

1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup cocoa (I use Hershey’s Cocoa)
1 teaspoon baking powder
4 oz. unsalted butter, softened
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 extra-large egg
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
2-3 Tablespoons heavy cream
1 teaspoon almond extract (optional)
water to close the hamantashen

ganache filling (make ahead of time)
8 ounces good quality semisweet chocolate chips (I use Ghirardelli)
½ cup of heavy cream (half and half** will work too)
pinch of salt

white chocolate melting wafers, sprinkles, mini chocolate chips, and if you want to get crazy like me add sliced rainbow cookies, mini m&m’s or other candies

To make the ganache, place the chocolate chips, heavy cream and pinch of salt in a heat-proof bowl over a pot of simmering water. Melt the chocolate until it’s just melted and stir it until it’s smooth. Put it in a container, let it cool on the counter about 15 minutes, then cover and put in the fridge. This should be made at least 2 to 4 hours before you plan to bake so it can harden. It can also be done a day ahead of time. If you are rushed for time, pour it into a shallow dish, it will set quicker.

Prepare two cookie sheets with parchment paper and set aside until ready to bake. Sift together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt and set aside. Don’t skip the sifting. With a spoon, cream together butter, sugar, and almond extract until light and fluffy. Add the egg and mix until incorporated. Add flour mixture to butter mixture in two stages, alternating with the heavy cream. More or less cream might be needed depending on the consistency of the dough. You don’t want it to be too sticky, and you don’t want it to be too dry. Divide the dough in 2 pieces and turn out onto plastic wrap, and form a flattened disc. Wrap tight and chill couple of hours or overnight.

To form hamantashen: lightly flour your baking surface, roll chilled dough ¼” thick. Using a round cutter or glass rim dipped in flour, cut circles about 3 inches in diameter. Add a little less than a teaspoon of ganache in the center of the circles.

Brush water around the edge of the circle and pinch the dough in three corners to seal and make the hamantashen triangle shape. Some people like to fold in the edges to form a triangular shape, if that’s your style, go with it!

If the dough seems a little soft, place the cookie sheet in the fridge for about 10 minutes to firm up then bake. This will ensure they stay closed.

Bake hamantashen at 350 F for about 12 – 14 minutes turning the cookie sheet half way through baking. They will be a little soft but will firm up a little after it comes out of the oven. Ganache will liquefy during baking, but will set as it cools.

*I usually have half and half in my fridge so I use that and it comes out perfectly.

easy homemade chicken kreplach

My easy homemade chicken kreplach recipe is here just in time for Purim but definitely something you’ll want to eat all year long! The Jewish holiday of Purim (which begins Monday night) commemorates the day Esther (Queen of Persia) saved the Jewish people from execution by Haman (advisor to the Persian King). During the holiday it’s customary to eat foods which look like the villain Haman’s triangular shaped hat or his ears! To learn more about the holiday check out one of my favorite websites My Jewish Learning

If you are on Instagram or other social media, I’m sure you have been seeing a lot of photos and recipes of the ever popular hamantashen. Which I have also posted because, well, they are hamantashen and delicious! However, there are other traditional foods eaten during the holiday like kreplach, which sometimes go unnoticed. They are triangular shaped dumplings filled with ground meat or brisket. They can be simmered in chicken soup, or pan-fried with onions* and eaten as a main or side dish. I think it’s time to bring the kreplach front and center into the spotlight!

I’ll let you in on a little secret, I’ve always been TEAM KREPLACH! While I occasionally like a nice fluffy matzo ball in my chicken soup and of course noodles, I have always and will always be team kreplach! They are so yummy and delicious especially when they are lightened up with chicken and are a perfect addition to chicken soup. The filling is simple and so tasty and the wrapper becomes pillowy soft after it cooks in the soup.

Gefen wonton wrappers

To make it easy from the start, I use prepackaged wonton wrappers. These are simple to find in the grocery near the Asian food section. Usually it’s near the vegetables in a refrigerated case. If you can find the Gefen brand in your kosher market, I prefer them. Using premade wonton wrappers speeds up the process. The filling is a few simple ingredients most of which you already have in your pantry. It can’t get less complicated than that. Start to finish it takes about 2 hours to sauté the filling and fold the dumplings. If it seems overwhelming prepare the filling a day ahead of time and refridgerate. Day one cook the filling, day two fill the wontons, day three 40 kreplach waiting to be enjoyed!

So let’s stomp our feet, scream out, and make some noise for kreplach!  Who’s with me? Let’s get those groggers (noisemakers) shaking!  Enjoy!

1 pound ground white meat chicken (or ground turkey)
1 small onion diced (about a cup of raw onion)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 large garlic clove minced
1 large or extra-large egg
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
1 package wonton skins

Sauté the onion and garlic in oil with ½ teaspoon of salt. This should take about 10 to 15 minutes. When the onion is just starting to lightly brown, add in your ground chicken. Sauté the chicken until it is cooked through. Add remaining salt and pepper to taste. Chop it up a bit so there are no large burger sized pieces. Stir and set aside to cool.

When cool, add the mixture to a food processor fitted with the blade attachment and pulse about 10 times. Add the egg and pulse until it is ground. It should be the texture of small grains of rice. Not like baby food.

Line up your wonton wrappers a few at a time on a board. Wet the four sides of the wonton, add a teaspoon of the mixture to the middle and fold into a triangle. I try to press the chicken into the spoon so it’s compact. Then fold over into a triangle pressing the edges together very tightly and pushing the air out not letting any filling escape. 

Place them in a large container lined with a double layer of wax paper in between each layer. The recipe makes a lot but they freeze very well, and when ready to use they can be added to the soup frozen.

The other way I like to serve them is by pan frying* them in caramelized onions, then adding them to the pan to brown alongside. That’s the way my Bubbie (grandmother in Yiddish) made them.

*To pan fry them, sauté sliced onions in olive oil low and slow until caramelized and golden brown. Add the kreplach to the pan with the onions and pan fry until golden on the outside.

chicken kreplach soup

A big thank you goes out to my sister’s friend Amy. She gave me this recipe when I first moved to the Midwest and has become a staple in my house ever since!

Savory Spinach Noodle Kugel

This is the kind of post which you may want to read at night, because it could easily be a shot game! You know what I mean – right? Every time I say the word kugel, you take a shot of Manischewitz Concord Grape Wine!!!!!


Individual Blintze Soufflé Cupcakes

These individual blintz soufflé cupcakes are absolutely amazing! If I had to pick a couple of words to describe them after I made them it would be MIND BLOWN! Why am I yelling? Just make them and you’ll find out. They are super simple to make, and crazy because they taste so much like regular blintzes without all the fuss. I’m telling you – you won’t believe it. They are so good, I’m posting them this morning with limited photos. Why? Because I can’t find where I filed them on my drive!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can’t wait to post the recipe so you can make them and will update the photos when I have more.


My mother would flip out because they are that good! She was famous for her blintze making extravaganzas (yes, extravaganzas!!!). She would make hundreds of them at a time in a variety of flavors. This of course would span a period of two full days of work. Then she would give trays of them away to family and friends. People couldn’t wait to get them and there were always rumors of her opening a restaurant just to make blintzes! I think it would have been a huge success.

The type she made was a traditional Jewish blintze. If you have never had them before let me paint you a picture. They are kind of like French crepes and can be fairly time consuming to make. You have to make the crepes and also a filling. There are many filling options like sweet cheese (almost like an Italian cheesecake filling), savory mashed potato with onions, and fruit (usually like a pie filling). You roll them like a baby burrito and then pan fry them in a hot frying pan and serve with sour cream. They are absolutely delicious and everyone in my family adores them. Who wouldn’t? Just reread the fillings I mentioned, topped with sour cream – what’s not to love?

This recipe is so much easier and every bit as delicious, and they taste amazingly similar to the real deal. Don’t be fooled, these mini soufflé cupcake style blintzes are not to be confused with the ever popular blintze soufflé which is made with actual blintzes and has a custard poured over the top. This is like the best of all blintze worlds colliding. Plus, you probably already have most of the ingredients on hand. It’s quick to make, and bakes fast, and can be whipped up in well under an hour start to finish. I was even able to alter it so I could make it for Passover* and it came out great!

Don’t be thrown by the shape of mine; I happen to have a tin which is square. I must have had Kohl’s Cash to spend and this pan seemed like the right thing to spend it on at the time. So much so, I bought two! They are meant to make brownies in them but I didn’t like how they came out. So now they are my official individual blintz soufflé cupcake pans!

Of course regular round cupcake tins are perfect for this and just as adorable! The recipe makes 12 individual size servings and can be served hot, warm, room temperature and I’ve been know to grab one straight from the fridge! They are so pretty served on a buffet for brunch or anytime you want to wow your family and friends. Oh, and the best part, you don’t have to make hundreds of them unless you want to! This recipe makes one dozen.


16 ounces cottage cheese (I like Friendship brand and use the lowfat)
4 large or extra-large eggs (I always bake with extra large)
½ cup pancake or all-purpose baking mix (I like the Annie’s organic)
1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla ¼ teaspoon salt

Serve with warm sautéed apples, fresh or cooked berries, sour cream, or your favorite jam

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, prepare a 12 cup muffin tin with nonstick spray and set aside – do NOT use paper cupcake liners.

In a large bowl, add all of the ingredients. You can use a hand mixer, food processor, or an immersion stick blender.

Blend until mixed well and pour into muffin compartments 2/3 full. Bake 20 to 25 minutes just until they are set in the middle.

*Over Passover, you can substitute 1/3 cup cake meal for the pancake mix and use kosher for Passover vanilla extract, or add 1 tablespoon of vanilla sugar. The cake meal tends to make it a little heavier so I add 2 or 3 tablespoons of sour cream to the batter.

Continue reading “Individual Blintze Soufflé Cupcakes”

Mushroom Barley Soup with Flanken… Just the way my mom always made it!

Mushroom Barley Soup with Flanken… Just the way my mom always made it! Walk into any Jewish deli and you will find Mushroom barley soup on the menu. If you are lucky, it will have flanken (short ribs for the unfamiliar). That’s the way my mom always made it. If you don’t live near a Jewish Deli (like me here in the Midwest – miles and miles, and miles away) don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Even though the sun is shining today, and even though Passover is just a couple of weeks away and you are trying to rid your house of breads and grains, I am going to share my mother’s recipe with you! It’s super easy, tastes great and is so satisfying; it’s a meal all on its own. With this never-ending winter I think I have made this soup at least a dozen times and once you try it, you will too. Why have I made it so much?

In Ohio, we can get every type of weather all in one day – I kid you not. Last Thursday for example, I woke up and the sun was shining. It was quickly replaced by clouds, a mist of rain and then fog set in. As I drove to an appointment, it was hailing so badly I wondered if it would ruin my car. The worst of it was the white out of snow! Really?! By the time I got home, all I wanted to do was get in my pajamas, get under my covers and warm up (preferably with a steaming hot bowl of soup and an old movie on television). It was a Meshugah (me-shu-ga) day for sure! FYI… meshugah is Yiddish for crazy or nuts!

The only thing keeping me going was the thought of the mushroom barley soup with flanken I had waiting for me at home. It’s hearty like a stew, satisfying, and not too heavy. It’s the kind of soup which my mother would say will warm your bones. And while it does warm my bones, it also warms my heart thinking about how my mom would spend the day in the kitchen cooking for us.

If you can’t find flanken, brisket or stew meat will work equally well. It’s an easy soup that just simmers away without much babysitting needed. This soup can be made without the meat as well with much less cooking time and all in one pot. I’ll include the directions at the bottom of the recipe. If you go vegetarian, omit the wine. BTW… the wine is my splash on my mother’s recipe and I use Manischewitz because it’s always on hand and I love to cook with it. Feel free to use another cooking wine if you like. Lastly, you can also adjust the amount and type of mushrooms you add. While this recipe makes a large quantity, a half recipe can easily be made and it freezes very well. So while the sun may be shining today, and you are busy cleaning, you can enjoy a bowl while prepping your house for the holiday (insert smiley emoji here)! Let me know how it comes out! Enjoy! p.s. it’s still freezing cold here in Ohio!

This soup makes about 10 to 12 servings and can easily be cut in half

2 – 3 tablespoons olive oil
8 cups chicken or vegetable broth (I like Imagine brand low sodium no-chicken broth)
4 cups of water
3 pounds of flanken (brisket or stew meat would work well also)
1 large onion diced (2 cups)
3 cups of carrots sliced into 1/2” rounds
2 cups celery sliced
1 cup pearled barley
16 to 20 ounces baby bella mushrooms cleaned well and sliced
4 ounces shitake mushrooms cleaned well and sliced
4 ounces oyster mushrooms cleaned well and sliced
½ cup Manischewitz wine (any flavor – I use whatever is on hand)
4 cloves of garlic minced (about 1 tablespoon)
3 bay leaves
small bunch of fresh dill (about ½ cup) tied with string
2 teaspoons freshly ground pepper
salt to taste

Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a large frying pan. Add the flanken and cook over medium-high heat. If you leave the slices whole, brown them on each side. If you use brisket, cut the meat into 1 or 1½“cubes. I had the butcher cut the flanken off the bone and I browned it on all sides in batches. My mother always left it whole and then fished out the bones. That’s not for me but feel free to make it this way if you like.

In a large stockpot, add the broth and water and bring it to a boil. As each batch of meat is browned, add it to the stockpot. Bring it to a boil then when all of the meat is in the pot, lower the heat and simmer covered for at least 2 hours or until the flanken starts to become tender. While that is cooking prep the rest of your ingredients.

Once the meat comes out of the pan, add ½ cup of wine and deglaze the pan (click on this link to learn more about deglazing) making sure to scrape up all of the crispy bits on the bottom. Pour this off into a cup and set aside.

Into the same frying pan, add ½ tablespoon of oil into the pan and stir in the onion. Lower the heat to medium and cook stirring occasionally until the onion is translucent– about 10 minutes. Then add the celery, garlic and carrots and cook for another 5 minutes. Place the vegetables into a bowl and set aside.

Add another ½ tablespoon of oil into the pan and add the sliced mushrooms. Sauté until they have reduced by half also about 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the mushrooms in the pan.

After the meat has cooked for two hours, add the barley, vegetables, mushrooms, bay leaf, dill, salt and pepper. Simmer an additional hour or until the meat is very tender. Add the wine and cook another 10 minutes then all that’s left to do is Enjoy!

For the vegetarian version:
In a large stockpot (about 8 quart) add 1 tablespoon of oil into the pot and stir in the onion. Lower the heat to medium and cook stirring occasionally until the onion is translucent– about 10 minutes. Then add the celery, garlic and carrots and cook for another 5 to 10 minutes stirring occasionally.

Heat a 10 or 12” frying pan on medium heat, add 1 tablespoon of oil and add the sliced mushrooms. Sauté until they have reduced by half about 10 minutes.

Add the mushrooms, broth, water, barley, bay leaf, dill, and pepper to the stockpot. Bring the soup to a boil then cover and lower the heat and simmer for about 45 minutes to 1 hour or until the barley is tender. Taste for seasoning and adjust accordingly.