Happy Birthday America and Me!

Every year on my birthday I wear red, white and blue. There might have been a year as a teenager I thought about rebelling, but then went and changed my clothes, it just didn’t feel right to wear any other colors!

When I was younger, I always loved to watch fireworks and thought they were there just for me. Of course my mother told me they were and that everyone celebrated the 4th of July for my birthday. Since I believed everything she told me, I didn’t think any different!


My birth date seems very suited to me as I have always felt my personality is somewhat like a firecracker! There are so many things I love about my birthday…

I love barbeques, the summertime, corn on the cob and cherry pie with ice cream. I love how I look in the color red, it compliments me very well and one of my favorite colors. I love that so many people think it’s “neat” that my birthday is on the 4th of July and when they find out, they get a really big smile on their face. I love when someone excitedly says to me “so, you must be a real Yankee Doodle Dandy, or I’ll bet you’re a real firecracker.” They say this as if they think I haven’t heard that a million times before! I love that everyone in my family has the day off of work on my birthday, it makes me feel like that’s my gift to them! I love that when I was younger, I never had to go to school on my birthday and always had swim parties. I love that it’s the one day I can get my family to play cards with me, happily at their request! I love that they think it’s weird that my best gift is just being together. I love that I have my mother’s attitude about getting older.

I love when people call me on the phone for my birthday. I love it even more now since it’s so much easier to text, Facebook, or email – my real gift is hearing their voice. However, I also love getting a birthday wish from someone that was in my first grade class, my best friend in art school, someone I worked with many years ago, or my good friend in Switzerland. Without social media, I wouldn’t have gotten those! Finally, I love that this is the one day of the year I don’t feel guilty enjoying a real piece of cake! I can’t wait to see what that will be tonight and have an extra big piece!

Happy 4th of July everyone! I hope you have a safe, fun and delicious holiday! Recipes coming soon, keep reading!




Delancey, Not the Lower East Side of Manhattan… the Book!

I just finished reading the book Delancey: A Man, A Woman, A Restuarant, A Marriage. It is written by Molly Wizenberg the New York Times bestselling author of A Homemade Life: Stories and Recipes from My Kitchen Table and the blogger behind Orangette. Her writing is honest, funny, poignant, and for a foodie – a must! I love a book where you feel like the author is an old friend and the read is like a conversation you are having in your kitchen, over a cup of coffee.

Molly writes about what her life was like while her husband was preparing to open a pizzeria. I should let you know – she had me at pizza! Once I realized that her husband is as crazy about pizza as I am – I was hooked! One of my favorite lines in the book is when her husband says “people will always want to eat pizza! The same way they’ll always want hamburgers and barbeque!”


Synopsis from the book: When Molly Wizenberg married Brandon Pettit, he was a trained composer with a handful of offbeat interests: espresso machines, wooden boats, violin-building, and ice cream–making. So when Brandon decided to open a pizza restaurant, Molly was supportive—not because she wanted him to do it, but because the idea was so far-fetched that she didn’t think he would. Before she knew it, he’d signed a lease on a space. The restaurant, Delancey, was going to be a reality, and all of Molly’s assumptions about her marriage were about to change.

Together they built Delancey: gutting and renovating the space on a cobbled-together budget, developing a menu, hiring staff, and passing inspections. Delancey became a success, and Molly tried to convince herself that she was happy in their new life until—in the heat and pressure of the restaurant kitchen—she realized that she hadn’t been honest with herself or Brandon. With evocative photos by Molly and twenty new recipes for the kind of simple, delicious food that chefs eat at home, Delancey is a moving and honest account of two young people learning to give in and let go in order to grow together.

Her story brought me back to the day my husband and I decided we were going to move to Ohio. I had obvious concerns about moving: good schools, good neighborhood, was there a Lord & Taylor or Bloomingdale’s, and a must… good pizza (please let there be good pizza!).

Her husband Brandon, was inspired to open his restaurant and modeled it after Di Fara’s Pizzeria, his favorite pizza place in Brooklyn, NY. The owner De Marco has been making pizza for 49 years and takes the pies out of his 800 degree oven by hand! Watch this short 15 minute documentary, on Di Fara’s Pizza (http://vimeo.com/16077855) it’s beautifully done.

Delancey, is truly is a story about a man, a woman, a restaurant and a marriage. I loved it, and working backwards excited to read her first book A Homemade Life. I just checked it out of the library and can’t wait to get started on it this weekend! Enjoy!

Box Mix or Homemade? You Tell me!


Is it ever okay to use a box mix for baking?

That’s a really good question. If you asked my mother, her answer would be absolutely, positively not! Of course she love to bake and was an excellent baker. When I was growing up I don’t even remember her using brownie mix. To be fair, we also lived near good bakeries so if she didn’t bake it herself, there was always a good back up plan. However, it is from her I learned it doesn’t take much more effort to make good fresh food from scratch. While I do agree with that, there are times when the ease of opening a box and adding an egg and oil to dry ingredients is quite appealing, quicker and often cheaper.

When I first moved to Ohio, I was invited to a cookie swap. I had never been to one before so I asked my friends what type of cookies I should bring. The instructions were easy, bake the kind of cookies you would like to receive. When I arrived, it was amazing to see the variety of cookies everyone baked. I made my best decorated sugar cookies and they were a huge hit! Another friend of mine baked fancy biscotti that were so yummy. All the women really outdid themselves except for one. She walked in, placed her plate on the table and said “I hate to bake – I’m not a baker!” Her first mistake was telling everyone she’s not a baker and hates it, then admitting she used a box mix. Her second mistake was that she burnt them and still brought them anyway! Clearly, using a box mix doesn’t mean you’re going home with a first place ribbon or in this case new friends!

So is there ever a time a box mix is okay to use? Yes, I think there is. I have used boxed brownie mixes on occasion, usually when I have to make 50 or 100 of them for school events. There are a couple brands that are very good but even then I add extra cocoa powder to the base, candy, extra chocolate chips, and top them with something special to dress them up for a night out on the town. One of the best ways I have found to dress them up is with homemade frosting. Please note: there is never an excuse to use canned frosting! Come on people, butter and sugar whipped till creamy! I dare you to read the label on the can and tell me why all 19 ingredients are needed for something that should be sugar and butter. I’m gasping for breath here! Rule number one, if you are going to use a box mix, everyone else doesn’t have to know! Let it be your secret! Rule number two, make them look good enough and taste good enough so people don’t know it came from a box. You can always add extra chips, vanilla extract, dried fruit, nuts or something else that you like. Rule number three, read the instructions carefully and follow them, they are written for a reason. Finally, not really a rule – just obvious, if you burn them, throw them out!


What about cupcakes and cakes? A friend suggested I used a box of cake mix to make cupcakes. I had never done that before and was leary about it. She shouted their praises of ease and deliciousness and said they’re foolproof, just try it.

Out I went to the grocery where I returned with a box of devil’s food cake. I dumped the package into a bowl, added the wet ingredients, blended 2 minutes and voila – cupcakes! However, what they didn’t tell me on the box was that the recipe really only makes 20 cupcakes, 21 at best. Now I was 4 cupcakes short for the class! I had to go back to the store, buy another box, clean all of my baking utensils, and start allover again. Then I ended up with 40 cupcakes! What in the world was I going to do with so many cupcakes? The whole ordeal took me most of the day. Plus there are those little lumps they say will disappear but don’t. However, if you are going to use a box, here is the exception to the rule… read the book Hello Cupcake written by Karen Tack, she gives plenty of support and tricks on how to use a box cake mix so that it comes out great. I have tried her tricks and agree. So if you are decorating cupcakes to the nines, go for the box. If you are making cake-pops, go for the box. For any other reason… only from scratch!


Here is what I look for in any prepared food. The ingredients have to be recognizable, no artificial ingredients, no hydrogenated oils, fat and sodium amounts have to be in a what I consider a healthy range and a good brand is important. I like specialty brands like Stonewall Kitchen, Barefoot Contessa, and Ghiradelli. Trader Joe’s also makes some very good box mixes. In every case, you just have to read labels very carefully and the amount of ingredients should be minimal. If you can’t pronounce a word, you shouldn’t be eating it. Several years ago, my brother-in-law Ben read ingredients on a candy wrapper at Halloween and said “carnuba wax, I think I use that on my car”! There is a lesson to be learned there!

Okay, so tell me… Are my corn muffins made from a box or from scratch?




My name is Maya and I like it Just Fine

When I met Maya Angelou in Barnes and Noble on 86th street in NYC in 1996, she was standing in front of me on line. My son was 18 months old and holding a little board book that he loved entitled Corduroy’s Birthday. It was the first book he selected for himself. At that time, Sesame Street was our number one favorite program. As I stood there, trying to come up with something profound to say to this amazing Poet, Teacher and Inspiring Writer, all I could think of was the Name Song she sang on Sesame Street. There was one line that stuck in my head and played over and over until I mustered the courage to say something to her. If you know me, you know I sang the verse! “my name is Maya and I like it just fine” to which she smiled and said “it is a very catchy song you know.” I did know!

I had just finished reading I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings about a year prior so I could have mentioned that. I could have said something I heard her say on the Oprah Show changed my life. Instead, this was the first thing that popped into my mind. I told her that and she said, “I am glad to leave an impression on the young and hope by hearing that song they are happy with themselves. Everyone should be proud of their name, who they are and where they come from.” I stood there in awe. I was glad this is what I chose to say.

My blog is a cooking blog. It is also my journey in life as a Brooklyn girl to a Florida girl back to NY and landing in Ohio. It is a blog that I hope when you read it, makes you want to come back and hear what I have to say. Along the way I will share things I love, and don’t love whether it is cooking related or not. I will also share things that have changed my life in hope that it will touch you in some way. Today I share with you someone whose words impacted my life.

“I am a Woman Phenomenally.  Phenomenal Woman, that’s me.”

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”

“My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.”

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.”

“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”

“You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot – it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.”

“One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.”

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”

“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.”

“When people show you who they are believe them – the first time.”

~ Maya Angelou

I am posting this to honor the life of Maya Angelou, may you rest in peace.