The Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg


Cooking 101: Or, how to cook a perfect hard-boiled egg…

The photo I took above shows an egg in all it’s glory. The yolk is a beautiful creamy golden yellow and the whites are soft and silky. This is not the hard-boiled egg I grew up with; the one, with a greenish grey outlined yolk and rubbery egg white. You know what I mean! In actuality, hard-boiled eggs aren’t boiled at all; they are simply simmered gently.

If cooking an egg is so simple, then why do so many people struggle with it? Even my mother was challenged in this area. Yes, you read that right, the woman whose cooking and baking prowess I’m always praising did not cook a perfect egg! Like most people, when she boiled an egg to a hard-boiled stage, it often ended up with a greenish grey color that surrounded the yolk. Which is a real turnoff and has an off putting aroma. I wondered what causes this reaction and found out is a chemical reaction from the sulfur in the egg white reacting to the iron in the yolk when it’s overheated. Okay, simple solution, don’t over cook your eggs!

While it sounds simple, if you search for this information, you will find many variations on how to achieve the perfect hard-boiled egg. Should you use fresh or older eggs? If you purchase your eggs straight from a farm, I would wait a week before hard cooking them. If you use grocery bought eggs, you will be fine. Some cooks pierce the shell before cooking, others say don’t. Some cooks boil them for 8 minutes, some let them sit with the heat off for 12 to 15 minutes or longer. Some cooks cover the pot with a lid, some don’t. There are also those who say to add salt or vinegar to the water. So who is right? I haven’t a clue, it’s overwhelming and I just want a beautifully cooked egg! Enjoy!

Here is what I do for a perfect egg every time…

• I start with extra large eggs, and place them in a single layer in a large pot.

• Add enough water* to cover the eggs plus an extra inch or so and add a teaspoon of salt.

• Put the pot on high heat and bring it to a boil.

• Lower the heat to a low simmer and set a timer for 3 minutes.

• When the timer goes off, turn off the heat, remove the pot from the stove and cover the pot for 9 to 10 minutes**

• After that time, drain the water and run cold water over them. Place the eggs in an ice water bath (a bowl filled with ice and water 50/50). In 5 to 10 minutes when cold, peel the eggs. Drain the water, put the lid on and shake the pot to crack the shells.

• Enjoy chopped into egg salad, cut in half and sprinkled with salt and pepper, or on top of a salad. However you like to eat a hard cooked egg you’ll now always have a perfect one!

*Make sure to add cold or room temperature water to the eggs. Keeping the water temperature close to the egg temperature may help prevent cracking.

**Timing also depends on the size of the egg you are using. Large eggs – 8 minutes, extra large – 9 minutes, jumbo – 10 to 11 minutes. You can always make sure they are done by checking one egg at the minimum time before placing them all into an ice bath.


Can We Talk?


"Life goes by fast. Enjoy it. Calm down. It's all funny." —Joan Rivers #quotes

How many people can say they were yelled at by Joan Rivers? Probably a lot now that I think about it! Add my name to the list!

In the early 80’s my sister Francine and I were crazy about Joan Rivers. We loved her on Johnny Carson, on her own show, and especially when she was in concert. We didn’t miss an appearance when she came to the Sunrise Musical Theater in Florida. If we were lucky David Brenner would be the opening act and our night was made!

I had just gotten a brand new camera for my photography class and brought it with me to the show. We were sitting in the house seats, just a couple of rows from the stage. Out she came with a shimmering white gown and started in on her routine right away. Through my laughter, I was snapping photo after photo until Joan walked over, stood over me and screamed “take the damn shot already!” I was so embarrassed, yet  thrilled at the same time!

Everyone is posting tribute clips of Joan doing standup, and of her great one liners. I have posted a couple of her on the Martha Stewart Show. Two of my favorite things in one place… Comedy and Cooking. If you have never seen them before I’m sure you will love them.

Life goes by fast. Enjoy it. Calm down. It’s all funny!  Joan Rivers 1933- 2014… May your memory be for a blessing

Just Peachy!


A few weeks ago I attended a pie baking class. It was instructed by a woman I met at The Big Pitch in June. Her name is Sheila and she runs a local business in Columbus for food lovers. You can read more about her and her company on her website, Ala Carte Columbus.

The cooking class she held entitled “the life of pie” was very well run and informative. At one point in the class Sheila went around the room asking everyone what their favorite flavor pie is. It was mostly cherry, with a few apple lovers weighing in. I was having a difficult time narrowing down my favorite. I love cherry pie, but then again, peach is so good, and let’s not forget about apple! It was almost my turn and I committed to peach – peach it was, yummy, juicy peach. Then the little girl next to me, said her favorite was chocolate cream pie… chocolate cream pie, how could I have ever let that one slip through my fingers? As all eyes turned to me, I made a fast switch to chocolate cream pie! Chocolate cream pie – yes, that’s the winner! Of course as the words were coming out of my mouth, I was still thinking peach! No, cherry! How can you choose just one pie as a favorite?


After we had all finished, it was noted that no one chose peach! This would not make my mother happy – she loved peach pie! I quickly asked her, how can you commit to loving only one kind of pie? It’s just not fair! One thing lead to another and Sheila mentioned how the crop of peaches was so bad this year because of the weather and yada, yada, yada, if you want delicious peaches you have to go to the peach truck. Apparently there was someone who drove a truck to Ohio from Georgia with the most delicious peaches. I immediately grabbed my phone to find their website,, and noted it was coming to my area on August 8th. I put it on my calendar and couldn’t wait for the day to arrive.

That was three weeks ago and I have been counting down the days until finally, it was time to go pick up my sweet, juicy peaches! Yesterday I set my alarm, got myself ready and then set out on my journey. Before I left, I quickly checked their website for time and location just to be sure I was headed to the right place. Ugh! I made a mistake! They came to my area on Friday, I missed it – good think I checked! But how could that be? Then I saw that they were at another Ohio location but it was a 30 minute drive from my house. I had already committed to going, and waited 3 weeks for the day to arrive. I had to go. I grabbed my Carole King CD, jumped in my husband’s convertible and off I went! The sky was blue, it was a cool day and I was off to buy peaches! What could be better?


I pulled into the parking lot of a gardening store, saw a tent next to a white truck filled with boxes of peaches and was excited I had made the journey. While waiting on the line, I asked the two women in front of me if they had purchased them before and they said they hadn’t. They read about it in a local paper and like me, couldn’t wait to buy them. Another woman made a joke she had come the farthest from California! The man running the stand said it was the last day for peaches and they would be back next year. I was the last person on line and when it was finally my turn, I handed Neil from The Peach Truck my credit card. There was only one size box and it was 25 pounds! Okay, I thought, I’ve come this far, peaches for everyone! I was literally the last person to buy peaches for the season. I wheeled the cart to my car, put the large sweet smelling box of peaches in the trunk and off I went. As I sang along to the Carole King song Beautiful, I started to wonder how I would ever explain this to my husband? Maybe I’ll bake him a pie before I tell him how much they cost! So now the question is turned to you… What would you bake with 25 pounds of peaches? I know my mother would bake the most delicious pie! Enjoy!

I Entered a Food Contest! Here’s the Big Pitch…


A few weeks ago I did something that was completely out of my comfort zone. I entered a food contest! Even as I type this, I still can’t believe I did it!  Here’s the whole story… While cleaning out my emails, I came across an event being hosted by FoodStart Ohio. They were looking for the next big food product. FoodStart Ohio is a nonprofit organization supporting Ohio food entrepreneurs. Together with Franklin University and The Women’s Small Business Accelerator they held an event called The Big Pitch. It was for food entrepreneurs in Ohio with great food products.

Truthfully, I’ve secretly dreamed of entering something like a Pillsbury Bake-off! However, this was completely different than that. It was more like the show Shark Tank. The competition was to take place over two weeks. The first week was the tasting, the second week was for the 3 finalists in each category to make their “Big Pitch” to the judges. The three categories were: food products, mobile food trucks, restaurant/catering. You could participate as an entrant or attend as a voter. The attendants were people from the community who paid an entrance fee to sample the food, then vote for their favorites in each category.


Before I continue, I should tell you I found sign-up information on the Wednesday evening, 2 days before the Saturday event! Like I do most things, I held my breath, jumped in with both feet and didn’t look back. I entered the restaurant/catering category and had to make my product for about 150 people, show how I would package it, and write a business plan. I had 48 hours to buy ingredients, bake, make flyers, get supplies, and write a business plan. Luckily my husband went to business school! I narrowed down some of my best products, chocolate shots, almond macaroons, decorated sugar cookies, and babka bites. Together with my husband and son Ethan, team Sweets by Sherri was ready to go!


We arrived at Franklin University very early and selected our table. First we rushed to set everything up and then walked around to see who else was there. Among the other contestants were amazing foodies that made jams, hot sauce, potato chips, vegetarian soul food, chili, gumbo, cake pops and wedding cakes, buckeyes, and pierogi to name a few.

There was a lot of camaraderie amongst the contestants and the fun part was trying their food! After the first round of judging, which was based on the public’s vote, the top three entrants per category were invited back the following week for final judging. That is where the Shark Tank model came in. Each person had to pitch their product to the official judges. They were all great!


I didn’t make it into the final three – but came close in 4th place. In all honesty what I did in 2 days amazed me! Now I can’t wait until next year – yes, I said next year! What I learned is that I have to focus more and I’m already thinking about how to do that. At the end of the day, I met a lot of great people: people that are passionate about food and the food they create, food they grow and turn into jam, food they create as part of a family, food to sustain a new wave of keeping it local. I’ll be visiting some of them and blogging about them. As for “The Big Pitch” I’ll be sure to give you plenty of notice next year so you can come out and vote for me!

Here’s What’s Coming…

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last post and I owe all my readers a big apology! My intention is to write something at least 3 times a week and being a newbie at this I’m still figuring out my groove. I marvel at some of the bloggers that post everyday; it has to be their full time job!

Whether you come up with an original recipe or follow one from a cookbook, you still have to shop for ingredients, then do the cooking or baking. After that, you have to style and photograph the food, sometimes photographing and documenting how to make the recipe all along the way. Then you then have to go through tons of photographs and select just the right ones. In some cases the photos need to be edited in Photoshop. Finally you can sit down to write a story to go with it. Writing the story, recipe, and editing, can easily take an hour or two. Now that you see what it takes to write a blog post, hopefully you’ll give me a pass for leaving you the past couple of weeks. But trust me, I wasn’t on a vacation from my blog. I was doing research and have had a great many food experiences and adventures along the way.

So, what’s been going on with Sherri? Well, quite a bit actually!

Here’s what you have to look forward to:

Entered a Food Contest (came in 4th place in my category)

Had friends for dinner, one of which writes the blog No Chefs Allowed and she brought me Homemade Preserved Lemons.

Tried a charming New Restaurant in town (South of Lane).

Came up with a great Veggie Burger Recipe & Sauce to go with it.

Found a fun cookbook with Ice Pop Recipes that look so good I can’t wait to try one!

Ordered from a Snack Delivery Service I saw advertised on the Cooking Channel (which I received today),

Thinking about doing a Food Crawl in my area focusing on coffee – iced of course!

Went to a Farmer’s Market i can’t wait to tell you all about it!

Going to take a class called The Life of Pie.

There you have it, a truly fun filled couple of weeks that I’m ready to write about and share with you, So Get Ready!