A friend of mine from high school often writes inspirational quotes on her Facebook page. If you are having a bad day, reading them lifts you up. If you’re having a good day, it lifts you higher. This morning she had written a beautiful and inspiring note on her Facebook page and I wanted to share a couple of lines she quoted.
“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.” Neil Gaiman
How will you surprise yourself this year? This year I plan to… Laugh every day. Try to be much more mindful. Exercise even though I don’t feel like it. Feng Shui my house one drawer at a time, one day at a time! Have more patience. Pray for a world of peace and tolerance. Relish the craziness of my life. Dream BIG. Finish editing my cookbook. Take a ceramics class. Teach someone something new. Not judge. Meditate more often. Turn my auto-pilot off. Live life with purpose. Be grateful. Dance. Pay it forward. Remember to take my vitamins. Learn to let it go. Find cool things to share with my readers. Throw a party for no reason. Blog more, eat less!
Let the magic and madness begin!
New Year’s Eve 2002. It was a very good year!
1 thought on “2015 Here we Come… Cheers!”
All wonderful goals you’re putting forth – look forward to hopefully sharing in some of them with you 🙂
All wonderful goals you’re putting forth – look forward to hopefully sharing in some of them with you 🙂